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No. 734 - No subject |
Welcome to /mlp/! This subforum is about the My Little Pony franchise in its entirety - G1 through G4 toys (as well as potential future generations), cartoons, Equestria Girls-related material, etcetera. Threads comparing MLP to Filly should also be posted in this forum. Thank you! |
2 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 442 - No subject |
There are now two new boards, /ccc/ and /fan/. Also, I moved some threads around to boards that seemed to fit better. I hope everyone will be okay with the changes! |
2 replies 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 48 - No subject |
Hello! Please be aware that GeoIP is turned on for this board - the location you post from will be displayed for each post. |
4 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 829 - No subject |
test |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 827 - No subject |
x |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 825 - Now that it's on YouTube... |
So, since all the eps are on YouTube (including English dubs), what do we think? I think the second half of the series was clearly less finished, with plenty of plot holes and animation errors, but I'm still happy to have finally seen S1 of Filly Funtasia. Gives me joy to see the world and glimpse the vision of the original team, plus there were still a bunch of fun moments! >Petunia ep's still my favourite |
1 reply 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 818 - Hi |
Hello |
3 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 819 - make fillychan great again |
came here from the shunks video out of pure curiosity. sucks how abandoned this is. if anyone reads this, what's your favorite pony? |
2 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 817 - Filly MVs |
I don't have enough energy to push myself too much and learning is hard but I've been trying to make some lazy music video edits to songs I love that would involve FF's footage for some months now. The latest is with Céline Dion's 'All by myself' which fits to scenario in 'Magical Maze' episode to some degree. Sped singer's audio by 125% and tried to match footage to audio as only could, I like the result hehe. I wish there'd be whole scene of people making FMVs but it's still 'if you don't do it, not... |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 816 - Ru Filly |
Hoi! I got some Russian magazines and I adore everything, they never get boring. I just wish there'd be more translated special issues, because we only got Wedding Mermaids Greta one etc., never Filly Fun issues or Ice brands issues... and books were only ever activities for Princess Fairy Unicorn + Ice (Ice Unicorn + Ice Fairy combined) or mere 2 guidebooks for Princess and Unicorn, never more. Also I know it's inactive board, but just wanted to be a part of it somehow <3 |
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No. 815 - Sprout Cloverleaf |
He killed millions |
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No. 814 - Loyalty to Funtasia |
The following is based on the dream I had today. The premise is that, with Wranglum already defeated, Princess Sparkle finds the disagreements in her school increasing. She constructs a magical imaginary opponent, the Bookmaster, for the school to watch out for. But surprisingly, it has things to offer a lot of students and some teachers take his side. Then, to save reputation, Sparkle has to start leading both sides and even enter her own school as a student. Rose and Will get trained for different sides:... |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 232 - No subject |
Alright, since I possess an infinitely lesser amount of Wiki-handling skills than the guys who actually founded the Wiki (insert a huge, HUGE respect here), and since I appear to be the only easily accessible person with the Filly Princess book in the universe, I have decided to just translate it from Russian to English and leave it on the web for others to read through. Here is the document which will be gradually filled with more and more... |
19 replies 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 787 - No subject |
This is my favorite show. I love it so much. Loved it more than the entirety of MLP FIM. Just me? |
8 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 802 - Who is the cutest filly in the show? |
YMMV thread. |
3 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 623 - Christmas 2015 promo |
Nothing of exceptional, but Dracco/BRB gave us a small holyday video for this christmas, with a couple of shots of the "crystal episode" (The Missing Student (?)). The expressions are lovely :D, and there is a close-up to one of the small little floating island around the academy. They are very small, just a room. If I would play with fantasy, I imagine them linked with some internal teleporter, so you haven't need to fly to them. :p There is more activity on Facebook page of MyFilly recently... |
5 replies 1 hide 3 followers |
No. 714 - The Filly Rainbow and how it affects YOU |
You, as a proud Filly, are most likely permanently connected to one of five magic colors: Pink, Dark Pink, Yellow, Green and Blue! The magic color does not affect your body, mane, tail (typically), hoof or eye color; however, your magic color and the color of the crystal in your possession must be the same color. If you want to pick the Special color, then too bad, you can't! The Special color is reserved for, well, special characters: Crystal, Magic, Sparkle, Jewel, Abra, Cadabra and others. But if you... |
3 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 783 - No subject |
>owo |
2 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 607 - No subject |
How much are you paying to host fillychan, and is it worth it to keep doing so for the 4 people who post here once every couple of weeks? |
4 replies 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 766 - No subject |
This thing supports HTTPS now Okay, that's all |
1 reply 0 hides 3 followers |
No. 689 - Toughts on Funtasia Daily |
I got a couple of thoughts about Funtasia Daily: not complaints but some reflections of how things are gone in these years of waiting, and what could we expect in the future. We can not deny that the blog started as a joke to the most famous Brony blog Equestria Daily, but the joke turned quickly in something serious and useful. The situation is changed in these years of "waiting". The show changed a lot (How and why is a long topic alone), I think the fandom became focused on its celebrity and... |
11 replies 0 hides 4 followers |
No. 778 - Music Thread - show your Filly music! |
Hi all Fillies! I know that there is not much Filly inspired music so far, but... show me your creations! (or creations made by others). And if you have the source of music, preferably post it as link to WAVs or FLACs. Of course, music inspired by Filly and remixes only :D. Let's see how much we have so far! My track for attention. |
2 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 784 - LynnDee - Electro Filly |
So, I made a track based on "From Now Until Forever" for Filly fandom. Enjoy! |
1 reply 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 786 - PonyICU - Free Filly Funtasia™ Web Hosting | Create and host Filly Funtasia™ fan content & websites for free on PonyICU! We have every feature you need for web hosting for FREE — Nice-looking Control Panel, PHP, MySQL Database, FTP, and much more! - Crawled from |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 49 - Den nordiske ambassaden |
Selv om det er kanskje to personer i hele Filly-fanbasen som har skandinaviske røtter, er også de to allerede fast takst i prøvefasen til Fillychan-siden. Skulle de eller noen andre lure på noe som helst av noe slag som trenger å besvares på norsk, dansk eller engelsk (Min skriftlige svensk er tvilsom nok til at jeg er forsiktig med å bruke den), er jeg her. Selvfølgelig er finlandssvensker eller andre med språkkunnskaper velkommen. |
4 replies 3 hides 3 followers |
No. 772 - WE MADE IT! So... |
FIRSTLY: Are we doing anything? Personally, I know zero Italian, but I find that animated shows are normally easy enough to follow from context, so I'd love a livestream, but ideally it'd be fans-only and I don't know how we'd arrange that. SECONDLY: How're people feeling? I'm not quite at the all-the-hype level, but I'm not sure if that's just because it's so surreal that it's really, truly happening and doing so in Italian, haha. I'm still pretty hyped, though! And relieved. And excited! ROSE IS... |
5 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 385 - Horse movies and horse cartoons |
Here on Fillychan, we've handled Filly Funtasia, Filly, MLP 2000's, and FiM. But since we have a fair few people who I would assume are more than a one-show pony, it's time to make a small showcase of all the other equinistical animated franchises out there, be it with trailers, music videos, or very short websketches! Emma's Wings: A Bella Sara Tale (Bella Sara): Princess Emmy and Her Horses - The Movie (Princess Emmy?):... |
18 replies 3 hides 2 followers |
No. 675 - Melowy book series |
In Italy is sold this new book series, Melowy, around a group of female unicorns with fairy wings, called in-universe "Pegasus" (even in the Italian version). At first glance could be passed as a clone of FiM becouse of the art style, but truth is an high-school story, like Funtasia, mixed with some Winx-style stuff. Answering the most important question first: is worth? Looking the first book, yes. The book follows the average formula of adventures in a magical school and girls with special... |
10 replies 3 hides 4 followers |
No. 771 - This first cover |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 768 - Err... guys? We got a live one! |
Went looking for some random material on Valt the Wonder Deer, ended up on Vimeo. Figured I might as well see if there was anything on there regarding Filly. Turns out the teaser video is listed under a company called B-Water studios. Turns out they have some other projects going, like the Gummy Bear thing, as well as one cartoon with a zebra elephant, which I think has aired around here. But guys... they have a trailer up. Did I miss when... |
1 reply 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 765 - Dwarf Fortress Unicorn mod |
In the recent times I'm back to game modding, taking one game that I learn to love, Dwarf Fortress. My intention is of adding playable Unicorns, and next time Griffons, both in the Adventure mode and in Fortress mode. That is only a test that I manage to make working in the game and for learn the basic, while I want remake it for clean the files and plan better the race behaviour/skills. Get the test here (until I keep it): It runs on the 0.43.05... |
0 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 760 - About FillyWiki |
So, as some of you might remember, I decided to create a new version of FillyWiki ( ) some time ago as a new version of the Wikia FillyWiki ( ) The idea was a wiki where we could customize the wiki more instead of being constrained by Wikia. Well, it seems like while people keep editing the old wiki, the new one is very dead, and it has been like that a while. There is not much point in keeping a wiki online if the community prefers the old one, which is why I'd... |
3 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 758 - No subject |
1 reply 2 hides 3 followers |
No. 757 - Filly and Spanish Market |
Very recently I and Skundi discussed about the possibility that BRB dissolved the deal with Dracco for Filly becouse the market in Spain became "dead" in the last three years for Filly. As Skundi found, seems there is very few Filly stuff in Spaign, but I would like ask if somebody can make further research for figure out the situation. That, for me, could explain the withdraw of BRB from Funtasia. They don't just produced the show, but probably they handled the licensing right for the Spain... |
0 replies 3 hides 3 followers |
No. 752 - Some alternate universe |
I've been thinking of a side universe that would use nothing from canon so that it would be more safe to do arts or crossovers with. Thus omitting the name "Filly" for these races as it's copyright... With there already a lot of things known in the brand, such as Ice Filly now, it's increasingly difficult to think of original kinds of ponies, so it'll be weird. For now, can't help but reuse some of my previous ideas a bit. So. New races. Dark fairy ponies. Billboard ponies. Inuit ponies.... |
2 replies 1 hide 5 followers |
No. 749 - That one mistake (meme yet?) |
Seems mighty surreal. Every character called Rose-Unicorn... like if they are all in a hivemind of Rose from a spell gone wrong... rofl |
1 reply 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 729 - For ponies, or for horsies? |
First thing, I want put aside that part of the brony fandom that jumped in for the trend, to hunt popularity, fits for the supposed idealistical side of the fandom (I'm used to think they are fans of the fandom than of the show, but let's go on), the people that never showed interests in older MlP gen, the people who never cared for talking animals. There are many reason why like a show, and this can valid to Funtasia too, and I need to tighten this discussion to a certain kind of watcher. One good thing... |
4 replies 2 hides 4 followers |
No. 745 - lloyd the Rock'n Unicorn |
If you don't mind swearing in South Park Style, I can segnalate this webseries of "Lloyd the Rock'n Unicorn". In short, Lloyd is the hero of a "he-man filmation era cartoon universe" full of dumb characters, until a day he snaps, gives up with hero life, goes in the real world and takes a boring common life. Unfortunately for him, his destiny to be a hero of a dumb world doesn't want leave him in peace, even if this means that it must go in the real world and turning it upside down.... |
0 replies 4 hides 3 followers |
No. 736 - ... sorry, what? |
Turn on the subtitles. Trust me. ;) |
6 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 722 - Forum troubles |
Well, there's one huge issue with the idea of making a forum - one of the things that makes MLP so easy to make a forum for roleplay is that the entirety of Equestria can, with little trouble, be put on a map. This isn't the case with the Filly World. Every kingdom appears to be in its own realm/island, and on top of that we've got all sorts of realm-crossing fudgery (I.E. Rose jumping through a mirror onto the hill overlooking the Academy), on top of that, the Filly World isn't limited to just the... |
5 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 731 - Italian Horsie Stuff. |
Filly and MlP are well present in the shops here in Italy (MlP more than Filly in general, but blind bags are found here in some kind of shops), but seems in my country there is some other "horsie" stuff around... here three things I found. Melowy has a blind bags series launched in 2015, a year before the launch of the book this year. The interesting thing is the design of the blind bags is different from the book one; seems the book series characters were defined after the toyline. There are... |
2 replies 4 hides 1 follower |
No. 720 - Wranglum backstory [spoilers] |
There is a thing that is not all clear for me, but I'm not sure how much could been seen a spoiler: In one slide, is told that Wranglum was imprisoned in a dark crystal and hidden in a secret cave, and later one character help him to set free but at same time, he become prisoner of the Dark Mirror. But in a second slide, it said that Wranglum was imprisoned in a mirror, and this mirror hidden in a secret cave. I think the... |
2 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 710 - Filly Princess in brief |
>2009 >Filly Princess >First Filly series with crowns >The beginning of Filly Phase 1 >Takes place on an island in the sea >Each filly has a royal title >Six castles >A huge single family tree >4 simultaneously alive generations >Earth >The Earth is inhabited by fillys instead of humans >The Loch Ness monster is canon >William Shakespeare is canon >Holland is canon >Britain is canon |
1 reply 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 711 - Roleplay ruleset - first ideas |
Although RPG aren't my mainly activity, I ever had some sort of curiosity for the various kind of those around (in part, becouse I love writing, and RPG are a good writing training). My thought about how a RPG should be managed stays in a question. We should intend the RPG a game of luck or strategy, or a game of writing? "Roleplaying" said in fandoms is easy to misinterpreted: while many (like me) thinks is referred to usual RPG games with tables and dices, for other is just "make a OC and... |
2 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 600 - Witchcraft |
I had a dream at some point.. there was park area, in the corner of park, there was kind of cliff mountain (roughly like this); on top of that, there was a cave and there, Rose was secretly making a deal with a dark sorcerer (Witchy with a cauldron kind of stuff). So, given that students of Funtasia should be loyal to its masters, is this possible? That Rose can betray the others to do some secret conspiracies? |
3 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 707 - No subject |
Witness my OC, she'll dig you up. |
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No. 705 - No subject |
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No. 618 - No subject |
This thing contains so many mentions of male body parts in comparison to female that it made me question my psyche. |
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No. 697 - No subject |
I can't draw emotions. |
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No. 693 - Filly Funtasia Magical World 60 FPS |
Becouse also Funtasia needs of a 60 FPS version of its trailer. :) |
0 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 678 - Hello? Houston? Anybody there? |
Hey guys is this board still active here? I just got into Filly a couple days ago. I knew of it back when it came out but it didn't interest me enough to dive into it for real, until now. I love its world however, all that potential the series has gives me a lot to work with. I tried my hand at re-creating the general style, which was a lot like drawing G3s with a slightly smaller, higher muzzle, G4 eyes, and human-esque hair. Obviously it's not perfect but let me know what you think. |
6 replies 0 hides 3 followers |
No. 674 - Two movies for Funtasia |
Back from the void, at least for a moment, a thought about the last (and only for now) news on Funtasia: two movies in addition of the Tv show. The names are (Filly) Star and Butterfly. That could explain in part the long delay, they are like a work of five episodes, a quarter for a season. Of course, this can't be the only reason why we are still waiting (but this is another thing). There are two question now: what is the movie which... |
0 replies 2 hides 2 followers |
No. 636 - A little something coming soon. |
Hey, all. Just posting a link to a little fanfic I've been working on. Probably going to upload it to DeviantArt once it's done. Maybe do some cover art in Inkscape, now that I've got the character constructing stuff down. Cheers! It's still missing the ending, mind you, which is Twilight coming in and Will making up an excuse for why Lynn went to him. And the dialogue needs editing. But you get the gist of... |
2 replies 4 hides 3 followers |
No. 668 - Is this place active? |
So... Is this an okay place to discuss S6? |
3 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 632 - No subject |
I miss you all fam. |
3 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 627 - Synopsis, possible movie? |
From the October 2015 promo description: >The Funtasia TV series is based within the grounds of the Academy; however, the movie starts with the arrival of a mysterious stranger to the school that begins an amazing adventure leading Rose and her friends beyond the walls of Funtasia and through all of the Filly Kingdoms. >Funtasia is the center of all magic in the Filly world. When the Academy’s Headmistress Sparkle is found unconscious and the crystals from her magic mirror missing, spells,... |
1 reply 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 626 - No subject |
Look at these girls: Lynn, Rose and Bella. They seem to be looking at Zack, who is standing by the blackboard, talking about the Blue Rainbow, and ignoring his every word because of how handsome he is. Do you think we'll have some sort of a fight between the girls for Zack? |
1 reply 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 543 - No subject |
Put no effort what so ever into these, but still thought they were shareable. |
8 replies 4 hides 3 followers |
No. 517 - Site tip for RaichuWizDom |
One knows that a community is small when I can make a thread to point out an advice to one sole poster, which I presume is a good thing in this case: The pretty slow posting rates on Fillychansite has basically made /all/ the best board on Fillychan. But that overboard usually includes Fillychan-/mlp/, on which it's pretty possible to be spoilered on pony matters, and I can well presume that you are trying to hold out on S5 in order to binge-watch it after the season. The tip is that if you go to Site... |
1 reply 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 556 - "Nuzzling" |
Funtasia do it right. Also, just now I take note of another correct detail: Fillies don't sit on chairs. There are many liberties in Funtasia too abouth the Filly anatomy, but is nice see that they keep them very "equine" in some aspect. I guess I will hunt all those small things when the first episode is out. :D Ironic to see another cartoon is doing what Lauren could not do in her own. |
6 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 617 - The truth about Filly Mermaid |
One silly and very short filly "fic" wrote on Twitter some days ago: Filly Mermaids are a fishy race, let me say. Not just for the tail. :D My first language is not English as you know, and I would ask some proofreading to fix some raw passages/errors. :) *** "The truth about Filly Mermaid" The Filly Mermaids are, in truth, the pirates of the Filly Caribbean, who stash the treasures raided from the ships... |
0 replies 3 hides 3 followers |
No. 356 - Funtasia alphabet |
Yes, the strange script show in the first Funtasia promo is a true alphabet, seems! For rule out the doubt, I ask a small question, and if the PR twitter guy is right, the Filly alphabet is a working ones. We could read it in some way, if we figure out how! Taking in account that Black Dragon is Chinese, the glyps seems a very simplified version of Chinese ideograms, in a way these appear "aliens" but familiar for who knows that language. But we should read it like the Chinese, or like some... |
15 replies 2 hides 0 followers |
No. 615 - HELLO |
0 replies 4 hides 2 followers |
No. 613 - No subject |
1 reply 4 hides 3 followers |
No. 592 - No subject |
H.. H-help... Stop... Too much content... |
6 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 594 - Hide in plain sight. |
Had you seen this stuff in the room's concept? |
3 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 574 - It's here! It's here! |
Hear ye, hear ye! New content on BRB's channel! Will actually rides a skateboard! Rose drops from the sky on a rainbow! Prank war between Lynn and Rose! Fusion dance-like spell from Rose and Zack! Five teachers, counting Princess Sparkle! *catches breath* And hey, that Dogtanian thing doesn't look half-bad, either. |
10 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 587 - No subject |
There's no time to explain. Watch this. |
4 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 583 - Sweetie-Scoot syndrome of secondary character recoloration. |
I notice just now... the first color of Fabian coat was blue? O.o |
1 reply 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 568 - "What you see is what you get, don't you ever forget" |
STOP! Warning! Spoiliops! Friendship Games. Oh boy, Friendship Games. So yesterday I attended the premiere of the third movie in the grand saga of the Equestria Girls spinoff. After the wonder that was Rainbow Rocks (most notably its final battle which could've stood as its own movie because it was so good), I expected them to delve into the setting of Notquestria even deeper. I warn you that the following post is for the most part pure impressions. Things I express below can become obsolete in a day or... |
2 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 571 - Bitter Lake |
I think... I'm still horrified by this... thing. No, becouse Bitter Lake is a kind of comparison when I need to think the various degree of "ugly". Go down to Bitter Lake grade is a good feat. |
0 replies 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 551 - MiPCom 2015 |
Not much to say, just that the MiPCom will be held in 8-9th October, and BRB/Dracco are listed between the companies with the stand. Was a pity that in Spring there was zero stuff, the poster is the picture was better than nothing anyway; hard to say if this time will be different, but taking in account there will be just two months before the 1st airing, I would give some expection that they... |
3 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 561 - No subject |
I forgot to add it. Here. |
4 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 559 - Miss Italia 2015 |
"Vorrei essere nata nel '42 per vedere la seconda guerra mondiale: ne parlano così tanto i libri, e tanto io sono donna e la guerra non la faccio!" "I would be born in the '42 to see the world war two: books speak very much of it, and I'm woman and I don't take part to the war!" Sure. And again. "Il mio personaggio storico preferito? Michael Jordan!" "My favourite historical character? Michael Jordan!" ç.ç I heard Garibaldi and Mazzini turns in her grave. |
0 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 552 - Ponies the Anthology 5 |
I find that PtA remain one of the things of the bronydom that remain worthy to watch. :p |
2 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 549 - No subject |
Surely enough, not everything is well on planet Earth in 2015, as some people still have problems keeping up with the insanely high speeds of modern life, such as this guy: The reason I'm sharing this is because this was directly shared as a desperate plea for help. While this isn't something to post on the primary news site of Funtasia Daily since it isn't show-related or toys-related news, it's worthy enough to post on a community site - Fillychan. Helping this fellow... |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 540 - Old stuff, new stuff | What tells for you the "new" concept arts? Those let me think some new things: - Is interesting that Zack was one of the main characters in the first stages. Probably they thought to focus more on him, but probably they saw that in scripting phase there already a lot of stuff on the other character and phase him to a secondary role. A problem of FiM is that it has seven (counting Spike) characters, and take few time to... |
1 reply 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 541 - Ever After High grand finale |
Apple White, Raven Queen, Goldie Locks, Briar Beauty and Giles Grimm are meeting up. A pretty big climax aftermath has made the situation uncertain as to whether all the students will die or not. Raven Queen: I don't want to die. Maybe I shouldn't have gone that far off the destiny trail. Apple White: Don't feel bad. I've begun to understand why destinies can be pretty mean at times and why they wouldn't be followed. Raven Queen: So, Giles, what will become of us now? Will our stories end before they've... |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 536 - No subject |
Have you taken the brown pill yet, fillies? It's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in season five by lady Minuette, who presents in the attached picture. Forget red and white pills, brown pill is the way of the future. Pic related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking! Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, white pills are for the wannabe nazis. Ignore the other le epin /polne/... |
3 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 511 - No subject |
is this a meme |
4 replies 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 527 - No subject |
I went on a journey to find as many Filly commercials on Youtube as possible, and as a side effect of that I stumbled upon a channel that has a series of videos where the author of the channel just plays with Filly toys. While not a big deal, I've found it quite cute and share-worthy. If you have nothing else to do, you can spend a dozen or so of minutes watching a girl using the figurines as intended, while speaking in language you have a high chance of not... |
1 reply 4 hides 3 followers |
No. 530 - Filly Wiki wishlist before the official release |
As per of 18:47CEST, which verbatim says "@Exohasard @Zejgar Just send me a list of all the stuff that still needs to be done and I'll get around to it ASAP.", here's a wishlist of things that'd be great in various quantities of greatness if they were to be selected to be done. 1) A poll. Just that. A poll function. Almost regardless of how (SurveyMonkey?) 2) One thing I've realised that I actually do need in my editing, is some kind of... |
3 replies 2 hides 2 followers |
No. 47 - Greentext stories |
Though I prefer to pretend to ignore what I know about 4chan, greentext stories were also a thing on Ponychan's /oat/, although less common and known as bluetext stories. So let's tell some stories around the forest campfire. >Wednesday night >Zejgar has drawn a miner OC Filly >I see it on DA and it has no comments >I get a plan >I send Zejgar a tweet >telling him to post it on a DA Filly group >well aware that HareTrinity and xeregon comment on most new Filly art >which I don't... |
8 replies 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 524 - No subject |
>2016 >Filly Funtasia's first episode premiere >A pack of wild bronies appear >Start making outargeous statements like they often do >Statements are false >Technically a bunch of liars >Ergo "Liar, Liar, Prance on Fire". >Next episode >Wild brony pack attacks settle down due to a large time gap >Ergo "Alone at Last". |
3 replies 0 hides 3 followers |
No. 508 - Mischaracterizations by "fans" |
I've witnessed the rise, fall and the even steeper fall of the brony fandom. Among the big signs that the steep fall was about to happen, was how the fans decided that characters was to have one trait and only one trait. Such a strategy has never worked. Every show that has had professional writers, including random examples like Big Time Rush, New Girl or even Max & Ruby, knew that characters need more than one trait to be a good character. Bronies decided "Fuck this shit, only what we say will... |
4 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 439 - Boardgame |
So two or three days ago I had another one of my sleep-depraved creative storms, and I came up with something that resembles a board game. Here is an early sketch of this thing's rules. I still have to test if this even works as a source of entertainment. Hopefully with enough polish it will be a fairly decent game. I'll try to make a digital version in a week or two. |
5 replies 3 hides 3 followers |
No. 509 - "Rating Falls" | The recent ratings for FiM weren't encouraging: Princess Spike with 260,000 viewers hits one of the lowest results of the show. Putting aside explanations of sort for the last cases (anybody blame something, raging for the "hiatus", a bad Spike episode, Discovery shitty ads, you can choose what you like), I'm thinking that something more large is happening, and is not good for FiM in middle-long period. I notice as... |
0 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 501 - Error thread |
I've encountered a tiny annoyance while posting many of my longer posts. In simple details, if I spend more than [somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes] to write a post, if I then click on the Submit button, it'll in virtually every instance take a few seconds before I'm redirected to In this event, the page is completely white and empty, while the .ico is of the Northpole polar bear logo. If I click Back on the browser to return to the post form, I happily see that all the text... |
1 reply 2 hides 3 followers |
No. 485 - No subject |
The Last Guardian is probably the only thing that I can truly define "impressive". It could even persuade me to take a Playstation 4, if only there were other games that could be interest me on this platform. |
6 replies 4 hides 2 followers |
No. 374 - Remaining mysteries in Filly |
So, we as a fandom has found Filly information by the truckload in the past 19 months. Uncovered many wonders, unearthed things buried deep beneath the internet coding ground. And since I am among the fandom's top 3 info diggers, I ask you, all the other members of the fandom, to present me with challenges, things you've been wondering about by yourself, or things that any community should know about their main interests! The reasons behind this positive request are a lot more negative, though.... |
18 replies 2 hides 3 followers |
No. 455 - E3 2015 Thread |
Fillies and fillies, welcome to the 2015 E3 thread on Fillychansite. The place where we post live reactions if we tween in some sparetime in between all the occurences. The recommended stream site this year is -and-pc-gamer-live-streams.html#~pfF5huvfnDO77m , and the times are as following in Central European Summer Time (Trondheim, Gothenburg, Berlin, Rome, Madrid): Bethesda - While... |
29 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 443 - Desktop thread |
Inspired by one of Ponychan's fairly unique recurring thread ideas: In this thread, take a fullscreen screencap of your desktop screen and post it here. It is of course awesome (and funnier for the viewers...) if you post the screencap unedited, although I will admit to having censored a part of my desktop that covered Filly topics that are not yet publishable. And in contrast to most of my Fillychan threads, it is perfectly expected to make and receive comments/remarks about all the desktop screencaps.... |
5 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 22 - No subject |
So let's have a more serious meta thread instead of a bunch of tests. Right now, only JPG, PNG and GIF files can be uploaded, are there any other filetypes which would be useful on such an imageboard as this? |
10 replies 3 hides 2 followers |
No. 4 - No subject |
test |
15 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 435 - The fandom is dead, long live to the fandom. | Horse News is famous to being sarcastic, caustic, acidal and cynical, and probably is what make it a step better to keep an eye of what happening behind the fandom. While this article falls in the category "We need to be defeatists becouse we need an article to make our readers stay awake", I must say there is a point that could be true. My impression is that today the fandom show less interesting project than what happens... |
3 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 396 - Rule suggestions - Late May 2015 |
Three and a half months with very few rules is a bit too long, and things have begun to settle calmly now for a few months, so I will assume that now is a good time to suggest stuff again. Very short summary: "Porn, gore and grave insultments are bannable, but if you're nice and kind, you can do everything else that you want to." • Posters who make a very heartfelt "goodbye forever" thread, and then returns to Fillychan within a month after that, will be given a 2-month ban minimum.... |
12 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 195 - Wishes |
List some strange wishes you have in life. I promise it'll be fun fun, fun, fun, fun... Here's a number that I have. Just laugh at them, as that's the point of it! • One machine that can brew both Tassimo and Dolce Gusto hot chocolate capsules. • Thunderbolt-based flash drives, and not the boring ol' portable hard disks. • Going to England just to buy and make a Vegemite-and-Nutella sandwich. I've got Nutella within a 90 minute drive, but not Vegemite or Marmite. • Heading to Yellowknife in... |
9 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 420 - No subject |
Dr.Dimensionpants is a recent cartoon (airing from last year) about a boy who get superpowers thanks to some "magical pants" and is helped by a... gross and boorish unicorn. The episode are a senseless collection of schetckes, so if you are in the demetial stuff you can like it. (Oh hey, there is a griffin in this episode too. :P) |
3 replies 3 hides 1 follower |
No. 369 - Oh you, Princess Sparkle! | And... Crystalia is linked thanks to rainbow-bridges, and Filly Unicorns can walks on rainbows. Princess Sparkle is at the center of the Rainbow Bridge like its guardian, has a golden horn, and she knows all the gossips of other unicorns thank to her letters! = Filly Unicorns are Nordic gods in disguises, and Princess Sparkle is Heimdall under another identity! :O |
3 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 387 - Make new friends but break FiM. |
Am I the only one who thinks that there is something weird in "Make new friends but keep Discord" episode? And I'm not talking of Discord. I had the strange impression that Fluttershy was more at ease with Treehugger and Discord than with the other friends. I noticed that Fluttershy shows a series of expressions when she is in company of Treehigger that she not has in generall in other episodes, when she relates with the others girls. Fluttershy seems very relaxed and losts her shyniness: is... |
5 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 328 - Magic Mirrors |
Hi guys! Last time I asked to BRB two things, in the case they was free to reply me. One was the true nature of the magical mirrors, that wasn't clear to me. The second was what I could expect from Rose and Cedric friendship after the love potion case. Good, while the story between the two character is too spoilery for tell us something, they can explain something about the mirrors: they are artfacts like the wands or other magical object. I find important becouse if they are a spell, is like a... |
11 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 300 - Greyfeather (that unicorn in disguise) |
Cadabra whispered to Lynn in a ear: «Truth is, our capes are done from the skin of those Witchy that Dracco discarded during the development phase». And Lynn ran away. |
7 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 280 - Picture hosting for Skype and Twitter |
This thread is generally meant for people using Skype's Metro app, and for people who need unpixellated high-res PNGs during Twitter chats. Other uses can be discovered later and become allowed. Here's a picture that I am about to use in a Skype chat about the Filly MediaWiki. |
10 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 349 - Filly Funtasia and Final Fantasy |
Since names are somewhat similar. Is it possible that some conflicts from there arise at the academy? Zack versus a monster made from his darkness, Lynn obtaining a mysterious secret and having to save Zimsala from a witch hunt, Bella leading a rebellion? |
1 reply 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 345 - No subject |
Test thread for trying out the report function as well as for whether the image server renames files upon a thread move. (Tvivlsom dansk oversætning, for at sikre at denne tråd ikke er fuldt ude af sin plads:) Testtråd for at prøve ud rapporteringsfunktionen, i tillæg til hvorvidt billedserveren giver nye navn til filer efter et trådsflytning. |
0 replies 2 hides 4 followers |
No. 30 - Favourite episodes of generations |
I figure that I'm not the main aim of a board like this, but I'll start this off simply, with a classic kind of thread, accomodative for pre-FiM gens that many Fillychanners have a taste for, and is easy to join. Simply list your favourite episodes of the MLP generations that you've watched. MLP G1: MLP Tales: MLP G3 Standard: MLP G3 Standard Core 7 (Magic Dance Shoes included): MLP G3.5 Twinkle Wish: MLP NewCute: FiM Faust era (up until Family Appreciation Day): FiM MacCarthy era (from The Last Roundup... |
9 replies 1 hide 5 followers |
No. 320 - Character Discussion/Predictions |
Okay, the revamped Filly board seems to like swallowing my posts, so I'll put it here. This is a thread for discussing ideas, predictions, and hopes for the cast of the series. Rose: she kind of sounds like Starfire from Teen Titans, so I'd expect friendly, even clingy, and very knowledgeable on things 'normal' Fillies do not know much about. Wears her emotions on her sleeve, but doesn't break down into tears or nerves, unlike some main character unicorns I could mention. Lynn: adventurous, but a... |
3 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 282 - MIPTV 2015 |
Is the day! Now I see Battiwig with Wranglum, Willow on skateboard, a "spider", and there are three "faces" (?) in the top-right corner of the poster... and what seems a gloomy library. |
22 replies 1 hide 5 followers |
No. 314 - Internet Explorer and Spartan: A future ahead |
I am what many fancy or program-coding people on the internet would consider a physical impossibility. I am a regular user of Internet Explorer, albeit in a dual-browser setup with Firefox. And I see much good with it that is not shared with Firefox, although those things usually are shared with Chrome, such as the ability to copy tabs, or 60Hz YouTube videos. But I also see some elementary design flaws in which Microsoft was clearly appealing to IT setups instead of most home users. 1) Update rate When... |
0 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 305 - MyFilly source languages |
I swear there's been a conversation somewhere in the fandom about which language that is the original language on MyFilly brand sites and from which all the other available languages are translated from. It could very well have been on Skype, in which case two of you at most has seen this be discussed. But anyway, Sir Kuno's English bio has always been a bit odd in that he was elected to be king. Though it sounds highly off at first look to have elections for king, I have seen a handful of IRL elections... |
2 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 145 - No subject |
Now that things have calmed down a bit, let's have a discussion thread about what rules we should have for this imageboard. "No illegal content" already applies, obviously, and "no excessive spamming" should also be a given, but besides that. I'm open to all sorts of suggestions. |
13 replies 2 hides 2 followers |
No. 97 - No subject |
Suggestions for the site. >thread catalog >Noko should be automatic without being an option >default name should be Anonymous because Anon-Filly is gay |
5 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 268 - Filly italiane |
- Per i curiosi, la versione italiana delle Filly (dai pezzi che possiedo). Al momento trovo solo le Butterfly dove vivo io... - For curious, the italian version of Filly (from the pieces I have). Actually, I can find only Butterflies where I live... |
6 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 107 - America Thread |
ITT: We feel sorry for those who don't know what it's like to have freedom. Fuck yeah! |
5 replies 4 hides 2 followers |
No. 269 - No subject |
Fillychan's side menu obstructs everything if I zoom in when using mobile. Currently typing blind. |
3 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 261 - No subject |
So have any of you bought a copy of Minecraft? |
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No. 185 - No subject |
Shipping Thread. Because I say so. |
25 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 257 - Season 5 |
So, the Season 5 is here. I must say that I don't think that will be different from structures and style of the 4th, so I don't expect some true progress or improvement in the style or storytelling (after all, if the worldbuilding was really an issue for them, 4 years was enough to remedy to the raw setting). In good or bad, I think I already know of what expect; the only thing that I already know will disappoint me is that we will not see some of the places showed in the new map; or if they do it, will... |
0 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 252 - A long story from countless months ago |
I've been looking for a place to tell this story for more than half a year, but I haven't had a good place to place it since September last year. You probably need a whole lot of Tomodachi Life experience to follow along, and other than that you're free to read it. >A Tomodachi Life Love Adventure Thing >There are five Miis to keep track of, as four are the ones in the kid (under-18?) age group >My Mii, let's call him Jackie, who drank a kid potion to avoid getting in adult... |
0 replies 1 hide 0 followers |
No. 246 - Filly Princess palette swaps |
I've come across some bold marketing strategies by the Canadian toy company Irwin Toy for the North American market during the days of Filly Princess: Collect all 85 of them. How did they get that number? They made 3 new palettes of every Princess Filly. Or in the case of Princess Crystal, 4 new palettes. Even if this is mostly a piece of fleeting and mildly interest-waking info, it is quite the shock to see the brochure with a whole crowd of Fillys on it. And I hope the Filly Wiki will never need to take... |
3 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 203 - Royal Academy writing |
I can't find any test boards here, so here goes an attempt at a Filly script (meant as good-enough equivalents to the pic to the left): Ƥ.त्ग.わɇ乙水 七Ֆ F Ƥ.त्ग.わɇ乙水 七Ֆ F |
6 replies 3 hides 1 follower |
No. 205 - No subject |
Discuss. |
7 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 163 - No subject |
Guys, should I try to get a Horse News article about this site? Maybe get some fresh meat in here? Picture mostly unrelated |
6 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 181 - No subject |
Just found out about this: What the hell is it? Why does it exist? Should I apply for membership? |
9 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 171 - No subject |
So about Filly Witchy Adventure, I got to the last stage of the area that the Sunset Lake was introduced and then the game crashed. After that, the game always crashes whenever I try to play it so I cannot complete it. Has anyone else played this game and found this problem? Filly Witchy Adventure >>>>> HuniePop btw Also I was curious about the black robe Abra wears in this game. It seems half the time Abra is shown wearing a white one and then the other half she has a black one. Why does... |
6 replies 2 hides 3 followers |
No. 173 - No subject | >BRB's strategy is to improve the technology and get shorten the production process, so that the series more viral and arrive faster to everyone. >arrive faster brb pls |
2 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 24 - Lalaloopsy Pet of Glory: The archive |
On Twitter, I have in the past two weeks found pictures of some fairly unusual pets, immediately after seeing Lalaloopsy Season 2 cartoon episodes. Even the polar bear pet that is in the Lalaloopsy cartoon pales compared to most of these. The initial list of five includes: 1) A hotdog. With mustard stripes. 2) A pineapple bird. 3) A one-eyed parrot. That heart shape isn't an eyepatch in the regular pirate fashion. 4A) A bookworm worm. 4B) A ghost dog. The cartoon version of it glowed in the dark, though... |
6 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 132 - No subject |
Woah hey guys No, seriously This is a thing? |
7 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 157 - No subject |
2 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 130 - Draw Thread! |
Request, draw, critique. Let's get some Filly art going! |
2 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 139 - No subject |
>Hear about fillychan >come check it out >it's not a board about fillies |
1 reply 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 135 - OC Thread |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 87 - No subject |
Why don't we just stay on /mlp/? |
5 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 72 - Greetings from a 4channer! |
I'm new to fillychan and the show itself. So far my knowledge extends only to a few trailers I viewed on YouTube 20 minutes ago. Gathering that the show's been delayed, I was surprised to find memes posted on here. Care to share any? Or original images so I can attempt some editing of my own? Any character or show insights you could pass on to a novice like myself? |
8 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 91 - No subject |
Seems that this website now has a working ad on 4chan, thanks to Skundi. It begins. |
11 replies 1 hide 1 follower |
No. 74 - hi |
porn when hmm ok? |
5 replies 0 hides 4 followers |
No. 69 - Cara, the sky dog |
Avast! Cara is at the wheel! Funny how "Cara" sounds like "Кара", which is "punishment". |
2 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 63 - Making a Linux distro? |
I won't get many other chances to talk about the thoughts spinning in my mind, though I doubt there'll be many people replying to this. If nothing else, I can load these thoughts off my mind for others to read. Basically, the thoughts are about making a strongly gaming-focused Linux distro, as a wider-supporting alternative to SteamOS. Priorities is on: • Supports for game providers • Having as many programs as one would be familiar with from Windows, while prioritising programs with native Linux... |
4 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 57 - No subject |
Here's some content so far exclusive to Fillychan, from the October 2014 issue of License Global (which means that the then-estimated release date cited is sadly already outdated): |
3 replies 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 58 - No subject |
>having a favorite fily that isn't lynn shiggy |
1 reply 0 hides 1 follower |
No. 54 - No subject |
I had hoped for some news from the Spielwarenmesse, but the only thing of note so far is that it's apparently Dracco Macau attending, a Dracco division I hadn't even heard of. Pic related. Also, Simba Dickie is doing badly after losing the Filly licensing rights: uro__Erheblicher_Einbruch_in_Russland_und_der_Ukraine___Weitere_Investitionen_in_eigene_Produktionsstaetten |
1 reply 0 hides 2 followers |
No. 13 - Unserious Filly matters |
Seeing as serious matters was recommended to be avoided, then how about some less serious matters. Zejgar is planning to draw a Filly OC; a new Witchy has been discovered, named Selena (Insert FiM-Luna storybook joke here), that looks decently alike an earlier mystery Filly that D.F. had; and I'm a tiny bit uncomfortable with the message box only expanding its height as more and more text is written, as opposed to stretching out the box early on (It can be stretched horisontally, though). Also, I have to... |
3 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 17 - No subject |
I'm going to try setting up Cloudflare. The website may go offline for a while. |
4 replies 1 hide 2 followers |
No. 1 - No subject |
4 replies 1 hide 2 followers |