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Italian Horsie Stuff. 2016/10/08 05:41:24 No. 731
Filly and MlP are well present in the shops here in Italy (MlP more than Filly in general, but blind bags are found here in some kind of shops), but seems in my country there is some other "horsie" stuff around... here three things I found. Melowy has a blind bags series launched in 2015, a year before the launch of the book this year. The interesting thing is the design of the blind bags is different from the book one; seems the book series characters were defined after the toyline. There are no more toys beside the blind bags series of Melowy, but Atlantyca hold the rights, so I can expect that the books will go on. Magic Horses: I haven't pieces of this, but the characters seems a collection of MlP OC at first glance :D. The quality seems very good from the pictures I seen. Gommini: this toy have different animals, and horses are between these. I have a piece and are... rubbery, like the name suggest (Gomma = Rubber). Not between my favourites, but nice nevertheless. Magiki: Seems these Italian-Russian production have a lot of set, with a lot of horses in it, at least for the Italian release. And one around deers too. :D What you get in your country?
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!guq5o7jzDU 2016/10/08 19:36:04 No. 732
There has been a break with new collections lately, but mostly there were a lot of Sweetbox ( ) and Petzoo ( ) collections. Those seem to have really succeeded with designs, too. Too bad they're blind bags now. That ruins the reason to collect - after buying a few, chance of failure rises too high.
2016/10/09 04:00:17 No. 733
>>732 The Sweet Box ones seem well done! The Pony line has also the velvet effect like of Filly. I see they have also a MlP edition, they seems even better of what we saw in the West with some special editions (such McDonalds).
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