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!Pedh3xQChI 2015/02/04 04:35:10 No. 163
Guys, should I try to get a Horse News article about this site? Maybe get some fresh meat in here? Picture mostly unrelated
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2015/02/04 17:53:37 No. 164
Hell yeah! This place has been pretty dead the last few days, an article would really help. I need to get back to Fillymeme making or something...
!!ZXtJkT98vc 2015/02/04 18:49:58 No. 165
Yeah, go for it. HN were actually more reasonable about the new trailer than EqD so maybe there's people there who'll want to share some keks with us.
2015/02/04 19:57:22 No. 166
the ride never ends, mommy.png (507.63 KB, 480x480px)
>>164 It will be alright when the thing finally airs. As for now it seems to be quite tricky to sustain life here. It's a sleeper who will eventually awake, and the posts are its dream twitching. Charming!
!Pedh3xQChI 2015/02/05 01:06:27 No. 169
Sure, I'll get someone on writing something up. >>165 There's a few faggots on HN who bitched about filly, but really, HN is more about the fandom drama than the show.
2015/02/28 00:16:01 No. 211
OP will deliver soon.
!MDbm/H9aaA 2015/02/28 23:29:41 No. 213
Fortuna 1.png (131.48 KB, 200x222px)
>>211 How do you know that he's planning to deliver? Just wondering.
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