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America Thread Anonymous 2015/02/01 23:33:46 No. 107
ITT: We feel sorry for those who don't know what it's like to have freedom. Fuck yeah!
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Skundi!!ZXtJkT98vc 2015/02/01 23:37:54 No. 111
Ciepła twarz.gif (12.12 KB, 633x758px)
that feel when the swedish superbowl broadcast doesn't even have the good ads
Anonymous 2015/02/01 23:43:59 No. 115
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>>111 Absolute heresy. Why are you even watching the Superbowl in Sweden?
Exohasard (Consumer of biscuits)!MDbm/H9aaA 2015/02/01 23:44:07 No. 117
It's Baldwin, not Bald-Whine.png (62.39 KB, 392x395px)
>>111 On the flipside, we'll base our broadcast on the NFL Network broadcast, which means far less in-game ad popups, such as those that the major networks use for upcoming shows and phone-in campaigns.
Skundi!!ZXtJkT98vc 2015/02/01 23:57:19 No. 123
>>115 It's >fun Also I like the funposting on /sp/ and KC for major events.
Greyfeather (that unicorn in disguise) 2015/04/10 02:27:46 No. 276
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>>107 Equality is the Way! Join today! In sameness, there is peace. Exceptionalism is a lie. Free yourself from your cutie mark. Choose equality as your special talent. Difference is frustration. To excel is to fail. Be your best by never being your best. – Starlight Glimmer (:P )
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