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Willy the Shilly!Pedh3xQChI 2015/02/04 04:35:10 No. 163
Guys, should I try to get a Horse News article about this site? Maybe get some fresh meat in here? Picture mostly unrelated
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Emperor Sebastian the Enigmatic 2015/02/04 17:53:37 No. 164
Hell yeah! This place has been pretty dead the last few days, an article would really help. I need to get back to Fillymeme making or something...
Skundi!!ZXtJkT98vc 2015/02/04 18:49:58 No. 165
Yeah, go for it. HN were actually more reasonable about the new trailer than EqD so maybe there's people there who'll want to share some keks with us.
Zejgar 2015/02/04 19:57:22 No. 166
the ride never ends, mommy.png (507.63 KB, 480x480px)
>>164 It will be alright when the thing finally airs. As for now it seems to be quite tricky to sustain life here. It's a sleeper who will eventually awake, and the posts are its dream twitching. Charming!
Willy the Shilly!Pedh3xQChI 2015/02/05 01:06:27 No. 169
Sure, I'll get someone on writing something up. >>165 There's a few faggots on HN who bitched about filly, but really, HN is more about the fandom drama than the show.
Anonymous 2015/02/28 00:16:01 No. 211
OP will deliver soon.
Exohasard (Consumer of biscuits)!MDbm/H9aaA 2015/02/28 23:29:41 No. 213
Fortuna 1.png (131.48 KB, 200x222px)
>>211 How do you know that he's planning to deliver? Just wondering.
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